What We’re Doing

Target Center is committed to reducing our environmental impact. We do so through ongoing efforts to save energy and water, recycle, purchase environmentally preferable products, and help raise awareness of environmental issues.

Target Center is proud to participate in ASM Global’s corporate environmental sustainability program. Together we:

  • Exchange environmental best practices with other venues
  • Track our environmental performance on a monthly basis, measuring energy consumption, water usage, and waste diversion
  • Contribute to ASM Global’s Environmental Goals

What You Can Do

We’re doing our best to reduce our environmental impact and hope you will join us in our efforts. Here are a few tips to make your visit to Target Center more environmentally friendly:

  • Consider walking, biking, taking public transit, or carpooling to avoid traffic, save on gas and parking, and reduce your carbon footprint. Get directions.
  • Help us increase our recycling rate by placing all waste and recyclables into designated receptacles – if you aren’t sure where to put something, please ask!
  • Turn off water faucets when you’re finished – let us know if you spot any leaks.
  • Use only as many disposable items (e.g., paper towels, napkins, utensils) as you need.